
Existentialism - Reflection, Criticism, Discourse

Gerig Gallery is a young and dynamic gallery that deals with existential questions. The gallery's program focuses on contemporary artworks that deal with questions about the human being, his becoming, his being and his passing. The artistic examination can be philosophical, political, social or religious. The Gerig Gallery values viewpoints that move, inspire reflection, are open to criticism, and invite discourse.

Form of Expression - Craftmanship and Creativity

Gerig Gallery focuses on classic physical and emerging digital expressions of fine art. The focus is on paintings, sculptures, street art, graphics, digital art and art projects with NFTs of any kind as well as mixed parallel or transformational forms of the aforementioned. Gerig Gallery values the exceptional mastery of the craft and the exceptional expression in creativity.

The list below provides information about Gerig Gallery's past venues and projects.

GG_Venues and Projects_2023.10.pdf

OnLife Art Meeting Point

"OnLife" describes a state in which offline and online experiences are interwoven and interconnected. This applies to most aspects of our daily lives today. With the digital art meeting point Gerig Salon, Gerig Gallery offers an OnLife platform where online and offline offerings, presentations and interactions are not strictly separated. For example, customers can purchase artwork online and artists can present themselves in video formats on social media.

Gerig Gallery is committed to allowing you to make a free and informed choice when using this onlife service. Therefore, the Gerig Salon is operated on a separate subdomain of the Gallery.



Gallery owner Karin Gerig has been an art lover since childhood. She studied political science and business administration in Zurich and worked in audit & assurance services in various cities in German-speaking Switzerland. She appreciates the profound exploration of questions of being human, especially in visual language and art. Her husband, a theologian and philosopher, is an important critical and analytical discussion partner.

With the foundation of her gallery in 2021/2022, Karin Gerig provides a platform for artists in this exciting and challenging field. She is a dedicated art collector herself and has been managing the GKG Art Collection since 2019.


Gerig Gallery & Gerig Salon

GKG Art Collection

Karin Gerig